Saturday, June 4, 2011


The dreams of man are an intriguing thing. They can be a place of refuge from the stress and cares of the world. They are a veritable trove of creation, desires, happiness, and love and yet can be a den of fears, worries, and can even disrupt our peace in our waking lives. 
I've experienced all these in my own dreams.
I often dream of what may be, or at least what I wish will come to be. 
I'm just a simple man though, I don't dream of wealth or power. In fact, of late I've dreamt most about things like fatherhood, owning my own home, and of course, riding a velociraptor around the city while hunting down killer polar-bears with laser-shooting eyes. (That one was very strange... I think maybe I ate too many frozen burritos before going to sleep) 
The point is, I wonder if the desires I have in my waking life cause me to dream these things or if the dreams I have, have led me to have the desires of my waking life. 
The more I think about it, the less I'm sure of either one being exclusively right. 
And so I dream, and dream I must. For without it, the stars would not shine to me, and my heart would fail.  It's when I sleep that the love in my heart shows me what path I should take. The only time the creative part of my souls is as active is when I go to the temple. And that usually only applies when I go with specific questions in mind that I have previously studied out. Often my dreams feel like answers unbidden. They come to me and show me what I should be seeking, what I didn't even know I could have. 
I think that God knew that I would not always know which questions to ask and so from time to time He gives me a nudge in the right direction. Often using my dreams to cause me to wonder, and speculate, and eventually come to Him with the decisions I've made and more questions. 

Anyway, that's all I really have to say about that. Other than I think that listening to Mozart makes me overly-philosophical to a point of unintelligible incoherence. Sorry if I made no sense this time. I'll write a more normal blog next time... maybe.

1 comment:

  1. Wait, so your saying you can have a pet raptor to ride? I want one. haha jk.
