Sunday, June 12, 2011

Let's Rock!

Before I say anything else, let me just say that Jack Black is awesome. I just finished watching School of Rock and I think that I want to be in a rock and roll band so I can melt some faces... But you know, in a good way. Now with that said, I'll move on to the true topic.

I like to describe myself as having an indomitable spirit. I really think that I am an awesome person. Some may even say a little narcissistic, but I'll just call it a good strong self-esteem. I'm not going to let anything that anybody else does or says bring me down. It's just who I am. I believe that I, being who I am, am worth something. And while I previously mentioned being narcissistic, that isn't the point. It's not just me. All people are capable of being worth something. And it's not anything that anybody else can measure. How much money you have, what you're studying to become, or what career you are in, or where you live that matters. We can all rock and be awesome and be the kind of people that other people admire.

A friend of mine once told me thatsomething she learned. She told me that it doesn't matter what you do, you could sweep floors for a living. What matters is that no matter what it is you do that thing to the very best of your ability. In fact, she said that if you sweep floors, you should sweep floors so well that angels take note and say, "There is a man who labors well and is valued above all."  And to my dear friend, if perchance you read this, sorry I slaughtered your quote. But the vibe is still there.

The point is that thing that makes a person great isn't what they do, but the manner in which they do it. Now how exactly this is accomplished, I'm not sure. I'm still working on becoming awesome, although I am quite close.I think that it has to do with working as hard as you possibly can at whatever it is that you are attempting. And not only that, but you have to enjoy it. I know that I will never rock at sales. My heart just isn't in it. I feel that I'm amiable person, that I'm decent at communicating and pretty good at getting people to do what I would like them to do. But I don't like doing sales, so I'm not going to excell in that. However, I do like helping people, so then I know that when I get into my chosen career path someday, it will be something that I will be able to strive at.

And so I say, don't worry about what other people think. Do what you love and be the best at it. Work at it so hard that it makes you come home exhausted and ready to sleep. It's what I did on my mission, it's what I try to do now. Love what you are doing and love the people around you that are building you up. Rock at teaching, kick butt at checking in guests or driving a taxi. Learn to express yourself in whatever you do as if it were an art. Even if you don't make a dime, peope will see that and want to be around you.

Now with this, there is a warning. Don't overdue it. There must be balance in all things. If you the "live-to work" type, make sure that you live to live to and go do something not work related from time to time. Wrestle your dog, go swimming, or cuddle on the couch with someone you love. Or if you're more like me; more of the "work-to-live" type; make sure that be amazing at who you are includes working hard and being professional at work.

In the end it all just boils down to loving what you do and who you are in every moment.

So remember to work and laugh and joke and never give up.

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