Sunday, June 19, 2011

The Man I Want to Become.

I wonder sometimes if the idea of being an honorable man, a man who stands for he believes in and is the pillar of his family, has past into category of being quaint and old fashoined. Whatever happened to men that honor God, treat women with respect, who would die to protect others, and who are loving yet firm fathers?
Fortunately, I've had the privilege of being surrounded by men of this caliber my entire life. By watching them, I've learned what I should be. From my earliest memories, I've seen my father, grandfathers, and uncles do the things that many men scoff at doing.

I've seen my father work so hard to provide for us, and come home to help mom with chores and play with us kids even though he was tired. This didn't happen as often as I imagine that he would have liked  because he often had to work two jobs, but I always knew he loved us. And now in the past few years I've watched my older brother Clin become a great example of a loving yet firm father. He laughs and plays with his daughters but also is teaching them to be be obedient and faithful children. Then of course is my grandpa, I know for a fact that in the nearly 60 years that he and Grandma have been married, he's not once raised his voice to her and that he still does the dishes side by side with her. I know that they counsel together in all the things they do as equals and that he is still falling in love her. My hope is that I can become worthy of standing with such men someday as a husband and father.

Now there are many other men that have been examples to me in this regard, I previously mentioned my uncles, but I should point out others too who have shown me what I should become. My brother in law Jason adores my sister and is a wonderful father. My mission president taught me so much and showed me that I could be a capable leader if I depend on the Lord. And to all you Neals (especially Bucky, Robert, and Dave): I love you as if you were my own family; please know that you have inspired me to be a better man.

If you translate directly from spanish, the apostle Paul said to the people of Corinth, "Be ye imitators of me, even as I am of Christ." And Christ himself asked the Nephites, "What manner of men ought ye to be? Even as I am." In this mortal life  I never have had the privilege of being in the company of Paul, or sitting and learning at the feet of the Master, but I when I imagine what they were like, it's the traits of those men who have taught me. Or rather I feel that these are men who have learned and are still learning to be the men that their God would have them be.

A man should be strong, and yet unashamed of weeping at the appropriate moment. He should be willing defend what he believes to his very last breath but still respect the opinions of others. He should be bold and lead others around him to righteous places, and still be humble enough to follow the counsel of others. He should be strong in his opinions, but willing to admit his faults and change to correct them. He should be unshakeable in his faith and obedience to God and should love his family with his whole being.

I wonder if there were more men who were like this, in what state would we find the world today?

And so this is my call, my pleading. On this day that we have set apart to recognize fathers and father figures, I stand as a man who is still far from becoming what he wants to be and implore others to become the manner of men that we ought to be. Let us become husbands, fathers, sons and brothers who are the strength and foundation of society and will be able to stand before our God unashamed of what we are.

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