Wednesday, May 4, 2011

The Observations of a near-sighted man.

     Life is an interesting thing. The path that it leads us on has so many twists and turns that it is impossible to easily see where you are going and often it is difficult to see how you've arrived at the current location. This isn't to say that I don't enjoy said path or that I would have it any other way.
     I've actually been meaning to write this for a while but things have been so hectic that I haven't had the chance until now. And the only reason I'm writing right now is because I can't sleep despite the fact that I'm exhausted. Bare with me if I make no sense.
Life for me has recently given me a pretty good spin. I think that maybe I'm still a little dizzy from the things that have happened. At least I'm pretty quick on the uptake and I think I'm headed forward again. 
     See there's a trick to it all you know. They call it rolling with the punches, but I don't know if that's what I would call it. It's more like laughing at the black eye, and learning  how to block that particular punch for the future, and then laughing even harder when the same thing happens again. And it will happen again. haha. However, eventually we do get the hang of things. 
     In my own life, I've seen this several times recently, and in several aspects of my life. Several of the girls that I've taken on more than a couple of dates have rejected me specifically so they can focus on dating other guys. I can think of 3 in the last 8 months or so. I still consider myself a friend to all of them, and I don't begrudge them in the least. 

     I will never fault anybody for following their feelings. In fact I'll encourage them to do so even if it sucks for me. 

     At the same time I don't regret my time spent with them. If you take a chance and put yourself out there, there is nothing to regret. Regardless of the outcome, you take take something from it and use it to grow and become a better person (learning how to block the punches). 
     Now you would think that I would be wary of moving forward. Or at least it would stand to reason that the wise thing to do would be to stop poking the thing that keeps zapping me. However, I have no plans of retreating or even slowing down in my life. Why would I want to? 
     You may not agree, but I feel that emotionally trying times (like being unemployed for 3 months) or even emotionally painful moments (like the afore mentioned circumstance concerning my dating life) are really a good thing. They've taught me things about myself that I never knew before.  
     The point is that some days just throw tons of life experiences at you and these Life Experience Days show should be remembered as markers on the trail to show me where I decided to take a turn and let the twists in the path take me to places I've not yet been. I decided long ago not to fight against it. You might as well try to push your way through a cliff face. 
     Now reading through what I've written up to this point it seems like I feel that all life experiences are unpleasant. This is absolutely untrue. Many are completely delightful. These still can cause life to take you in a different direction than originally planned.  These moments should be especially be noted and remembered because they are often overlooked and eventually forgotten altogether. Sometimes they are harder to define as well, like the moment when you laugh so hard with a friend it makes you cry, or blowing bubbles in a park. There are important things to be learned there if you look carefully.
     Where am I going with all this? I don't know. That's the point. I have a vague idea of what I want but am willing to let the dream grow and develop until it becomes a better reality than I could have imagined. And I say better meaning that it will have will show the bumps and scrapes that I've gotten and sketchy situations I been in to get there. Those things make good things that much sweeter.

     Anyway, It's nearly 2:00am and I'm finally starting to feel tired. 
To any of you who may be reading this, I hope you've enjoyed my little insights and opinions. Remember to laugh when life give you a moment to breath, and smile when it takes your breath away.

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