Thursday, December 9, 2010

The Scheme of Things...

Here I am, sitting in the living room of my apartment, kind of watching Arrested Development... kind of... and I'm bored out of my mind.
And then I thought, in the scheme of things, this is ridiculous.
Wow... I get so distracted, so easily... it's like I have A.D.... Oh look a bunny! Sorry no it was just a squirrel...
Anyway as I was saying,  I was sitting in my living room  thinking and I realized something. I would rather   be doing something productive right now. Honestly, I think I'm completely incapable of doing nothing. It's a trait I realized I had when I was on my mission. On P-days. a lot of missionaries in my mission liked to do things like take naps, or stay at the house and play board-games... Yes I did those things from time to time, but I realized I was at my happiest when I was going somewhere, doing something. It even frustrated my last companion from time to time, who would have rather spent his free time resting. "You can rest when you finish the mission!" I would say.
Here's the thing:
It's not true. I come home from work and sit down for approximately 5 minutes, eat some food and then begin to feel bored out of my mind. I start thinking of things I can do, where I can go to be out of the apartment, or at least something fun to do in the apartment. (Fun to me being having people over to eat or play games or at least watch a movie.)
The problem with this is that I'm not always full of infinite stores of energy. I do feel tired often, but then I when I try to just rest, I start to go stir-crazy.

So what does this have to do with me watching Arrested Development and contemplating life?
Well, I was sitting there think about things I could do that would be productive and it hit me... The only time I would actually rest while on my mission was when I was writing in my journal. The times when I didn't write in my journal I would begin to feel less at ease, more restless.
I have a journal now... For whatever reason though I haven't written in my journal since early September... maybe even August.  However I do spend a lot of time on the computer when I'm bored. Then I suddenly remember, oh yeah the internet is a wonderful thing full of craziness and blog thingies.

Life is an interesting. I think it's because my mind is breaking. I don't know what I'm doing really, but it's what makes life exciting right?

In the grand scheme of things though,  I think that things eventually will be ok.

Well, a friend just asked to borrow some butter, so I'll be right back.

Either way I think I'm done for now.

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