Saturday, January 8, 2011

You Can't Make Me Stop.

So here I am sitting here in Andrew's family's gigantic cabin and all I have to say is that this is amazing. I went snowboarding today and I took to it like a duck to water. Seriously, I'm in love. Granted it's only been one day, but that's kind of how I am. Once I know, I know and there's no turning back. The past couple of days have been so good for me. I've laughed so much with friends I haven't seen in a long time. Things are good.

But honestly, it is a bit of a problem that I realized that I love snowboarding so much. I won't be able to stop, when I was going down that hill, it's like everything was better. The stresses that I've been feeling went away and I was good. So where is the problem? The problem is that I have neither the time nor the money to get into a pass time like this. Oh well, I'll figure it out. I know that I can't stop though. I like this way too much to give it up and let a moment become a once in a life-time experience that passes away like snow-flake that melts in the sun.

I just don't give up on things that are important to me so easily.

But yeah, anyway, we went out and Andrew was showing me how to snowboard but all he taught me was how to go forward and turn a little bit. The first time I went down he didn't tell me how to slow down. So I get going and I just start shooting down the hill. So I'm flying past everybody else on the slope and then somebody in front of me crashed so I tried to turn out of the way but I didn't really slow down so I missed them but then I literally flipped in the air and and crashed. My sun glasses flew off my face and landed on my back. When a guy came up and was like, "Whoa! Buddy, are you ok?" I just started laughing super hard and said, "That was amazing!" and I popped back up and kept going. After that I had Andrew teach me how to carve and slow down and stuff and I was golden from then on.

Hopefully, I'll be able to go night boarding in a few hours.

Yesterday was pretty chill too, we hung out in the cabin all day, played games, told jokes and laughed pretty much non-stop. Murder in the Dark and Make that Sound were priceless.

There is something missing though. I can't place it, but it feels like there should be something different. I keep having dreams that I can't remember when I wake up, but the leave me with a desire for something more. That's life though.

Well, I don't have pictures to put in here just yet, maybe I will when I get back to SLC I'll be able to post them. For now though, I'll just keep watching the Sorcerer's Apprentice.

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