Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Who I am

Seth Twitchell
Who I am
Psychology 101
14 September 2011
Unfortunately I must admit that when presented with the question of who I am I often respond with answers that only reflect certain aspects of me. I’m American, I’m a student, I’m a reader, an avid camper, a music lover, a goofy kid, a guest service agent at a hotel. These are not who I am. These are what I do, what I like, or even ways to describe my personality in part. The truth is not so simple. I’m still figuring it out to be honest.  Oh, I know more or less who I am, but every time I think I have a good handle on knowing myself really well, I surprise myself and I realize that there is still so much of myself left to discover. And so I take what I do know and I move forward building more on with each passing day.
This isn’t to say that I can’t give a fairly accurate description of what I am at this moment as far as I understand it.  I’ve been told that under normal circumstances I have a sanguine temperament,  but when left to my own devices I tend towards the traits of the phlegmatic and when placed into a leadership position, (something that until recently in my life I would never have sought out) I become quite choleric. The color typing says I’m a dominant type white with even levels of yellow and blue undertones and the energy profiling system developed by Carol Tuttle tells me that I’m a type four with a strong type one secondary energy type. I could go into details about what that means but to be honest I’m skeptical of the idea of being defined by other people or even being able to categorize myself. The truth is that when put into a leadership position, I take command and become a strong leader. When with a friend in need I become a comforter; when at play I’m loud and silly, witty and goofy. I am a multifaceted person. I defy any person to try to define me and I will undoubtedly show them that I don’t fit into their little pattern. That is who I am. 
So my position still stands; I don’t yet completely know who I am. But I know enough. I know that I am a son of God and therefore have divine potential. A God in larval form as it were. I know that I am the son of Ward and Susan Twitchell, two loving parents. I know that I love myself. I know that I am a seeker of truth. I know that I’m willing to stand up and fight for what I believe and yet I’m willing to concede to being wrong if shown the ere of my ways. I am generally happy, but there are days when I fear and am sad. 
I know also whom I wish to be but am not yet. I will be a father, a husband, and pillar of strength in my family. I know that God has directed me to eventually go on to the field of psychology to so that I can help His children understand themselves and live more wholly, although I must confess I know very little about what it is He wants me to become. I know I would also like to be a figure of some renown in the world of public speaking or maybe  a leader in the political theatre. I hope that some day I will be a man who is remembered by others as being wholesome, wise and strong. And so while these are not currently who I am, the fact that I hope to become these does shape the person that I am at this moment. I guess that saying these things would make me be a hopeful and ambitious person. 
Looking at myself I see now a little more clearly and see that I am what I am and that is good enough. I am smart. I am funny. I am strong in some ways and weak in others. I am and will be eternal in the courts of my father. I am a jokester at times and a sober man at others. I can be charismatic with some people and shy with others. I am Seth Adam Twitchell and there is no better definition of me.

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