Saturday, March 19, 2011


Looking out from this fishbowl,
Everything looks bigger; better than mine that is.
What do I have? Some pebbles, a little ceramic castle.
It's nothing, or might as well be!
They don't seem to compare,
To what they have out there.
But there's a wall that I can't even see,
That won't let me get to what I want.
But I can swim to the top;
I can jump out,
And make it to the outside world.
So I shoot for my goal and reach for the sky.
Success! I'm no longer a captive!
But wait! I can't breathe!
I don't understand; this isn't what I saw that they have.
But I can't go back now.
And now, I don't even remember why I wanted this in the first place.

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